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Too Busy To Date Right Now Here’s How To Find Out 6 Signs

being-single-and-happy-1108415-TwoByOne                           Too Busy To Date Right Now Here’s How To Find Out 6 Signs

“I’m too busy to date right now.”

We've all heard it and most of us have said it ourselves. While it is very likely true that you are busy, if you really want to meet a man—or have a relationship with one—you can make time to date.

Balancing a love life inside the rest of your life can sometimes be more than you can handle. We live in a time when possibilities are endless, and our wants and wishes likewise as infinite. I understand the struggle of trying to date and trying to make it ahead in life. You get no more than 24 hours a day to eat, sleep, push ahead toward your dreams, maintain your person and, hopefully, find someone to love.There are some people who always manage to find plenty of time to date. Then… then, you have the rest of us.

“Too busy to date”

Here are a few signs that prove you are too busy to fall in love right now.

1. Night Outs Yeah Right No, thanks Busy!

sleepy_manYou are so worked up that sleeping in your bed is all you crave when you are driving back home from work. Taking a call in bed is a major ‘NO’ or even staring at your laptop is out of question. The last thing you want after a tiring day is human contact. If this is you, then coming home to your partner or keeping in touch with them will obviously be a major pain for you.


2. Travel Is Inevitable For You

traveling-alone-1096848-TwoByOneThere is a travel bag lying under your bed which you flip out more often than you repeat your shirts. It could be because of a job which requires extensive travelling or it might be that you travel home for the weekends to meet family and secretly to hog on your mother’s cooking, then clearly making time for your ‘bae’ would be a glitch. You will hardly see them, and above all, you will hardly meet a potential partner with all that travelling!


3. Time Is A Bitch

burbery-britain-watch-on-wristOn rare occasions, when you do go out for a fancy date night, it usually ends in a manner which you personally despise but you have no choice. A long drive awaits you the next morning, you have a presentation to make and the reality of life falls upon you and what does it lead to? Not hearing back from your date because you ‘obviously’ made her feel like you were not interested to take things further. Ouch!


4. Messages Are Your Best Friends

.jjYou end up replying to mails and messages like a dork which leaves hardly any energy or brains left to even attempt a ‘flirting’ session with someone! Basically you are too boring or you have put yourself in a sad situation, and there is nothing you are doing to change it.

While these were the sad reasons for you being way too busy for love, let’s not forget that every coin has two sides!


5. You Are Busy Counting Money With That Great Job

1All the years of hard-work and experience has finally got you on your dream platform. Since life has taken flight, you plan on enjoying your fame and name and are in no hurry to chase love.


6. Your Break Up Just Led To A Happier You

GettyImages-525848907You just got over an ugly break-up and you are busy catching up on some ‘me’ time before you plunge into another relationship. Love can clearly wait right now.

All things said and done, excuses eventually ruin us. If you want something, you have to chase it with your heart. If love is something that you desire then make time for it, and if not, then wait until the bug bites you too.


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